Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Writing showcase

Goal: simple, complex and compound sentences  

1st story

I was sitting on the mat and we had finished inquiry. Then my teacher told us that we were not doing 1 page not 2 pages not 3 pages but 10 pages of HOMEWORK. 

It’s the end of the day and I’m sitting at my desk.
We were meant to be doing it on our device’s but pages stuffed out. So I email my teacher and he was so angry. The he put every letter in CAPITAL!!! My teacher said do it in book. I said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo! Now I’m so ANGRY because of my stupid homework. 

2nd story

How dose a Newton’s Cradle work? 

A Newton’s Cradle work’s like this there are 5 ball’s 
and they hanging from some sting. You pick the first ball. 
So you drop the first ball that you picked up.

The energy go’s through the ball and the next ball and
the next ball until it hit’s the end ball. They are
going back and forward and its making a clicking noise.

When you pick the firstball up it is called potential energy 
because it is not going any where.
When you have drop it is called kinetic energy because
 the ball is moving and hitting each other. 

3rd story

One day there I saw a little puppy. The puppy looked sad, sad as a lost girl! I went over to the puppy and looked at the collar, but it didn’t have one. It was really really cute!!! I wonder if it was a girl or a boy,plus I wonder what its name is. The puppy looked very very scared!!! I looked at my watch!!! OH NO I need to go home because its 5.00 . I had to leave the puppy and go home.

Thursday, 23 October 2014


We had to make prove it for our goal. I made a poster in my book.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Two Stars And A Wish

Task: We had to make two stars and a wish. I put a lot of detail into my description and made it clear to read.

Here is my two stars and a wish!

Thursday, 18 September 2014


WALT:  gather information

Description:  Kerri (cooking)- Every Wednesday we have been learning about the inquiry process while cooking different dishes from around the world. We have thought about and chosen a question that we are interested in. This is to help us find out and understand more about food and cultures from around the world. Then we started researching, gathering information, and moved through the ‘Get it, Sort it, Use it’ inquiry model.


Matrix showing what you think and what your inquiry teacher thinks.


Get It, Sort It, Use It Model 


1. What are you most proud of? I'm most proud of getting lots of get it information because I usually I would just go to one or two site's but this time I went to at least five.

2. What did you find challenging? The thing that challenged me the most was working in a team to cook.

3.  My next ‘Get It’ goal is? My next get it goal is to learn about different foods around the world. (This time I did desserts)

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Government Announces 5 New Marine Reserves

We read a article about that they were putting 5 new Marine Reserves. If you don't no what a Marine Reserves is I will tail you. It is wear fish are safe and happy. People can scooper dive with the fish.

Here is the link for the article and a picture of a marine reserves.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Reading Sample

WALT: Comprehension - understand what we read.

Task: Respond to the article you have just read using full sentences.

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article? The main person in the article is Michael Sailstofer.

2. What was the key event from the news article? The guy put all the gold in the beach to make the art festival people that is by the beach.

3. Where did this event take place? It took place on the beach where he put then.

4. When did this event take place? It took place on 2nd September 2014.

5. Why did this event happen? Because a guy put gold bars in the ground to make the people go to the art festival. I would like to get a bar because they are really really expensive!!!
1. What do you think is the best part of the article? When it tells you that he put the bars in the beach.
2. What was the hardest part about completing this portfolio sample? Getting the Feed back/feed forward because everyone was not free.
3.  Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? Putting more information into my answers.

Feedback/Feedforward: WOW Sophie I like how you added lots of detail on question 5. . But I think you could improve on puting them in longer sentences -Zara

Math Sample

W.A.L.T: extend a repeating picture pattern and use number strategies to think ahead!!

Description: For maths this term we have been learning a range of strategies to help us solve algebra problems.

Task:  Make a short movie to prove that you have achieved your maths goal.


  • Show, explain, prove your goal and how you did it
  • Clear message
  • Two questions to show your learning
  • Correct answer

    Here is my Movie



  1. What are you most proud of and why? I'm proud that I didn't make the movie to long because other wise people would get bored.

  1. What challenged you the most and why? The thing that challenged me was that recoding over top because I had to keep doing it and doing it till I get it right.

  1. Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? My next goal is to make my voice more clear. I think I could do that by talking a bit louder.

Feedback/Feedforward: Wow Sophie, I like how you added detail and explained your goal -Zara
I think you need to improve on not saying um and know what to say.


Thursday, 4 September 2014

Cautionary Tale

W.A.L.T: To entertain 

Task: We had a choice to do Do's and Don'ts or Cautionary tale. I did a Cautionary tale.

Description: I don't know why I did a Cautionary tale. We read a book called once upon slime.Thats how we got the idea.

Here is my story!!!

If you hit and kick you would want to be hit and kick again. Bob went round the school hitting and kicking everyone even the teachers. Bob was the badest boy in school and he was the as bad as a murdering killing people. 

He always wore his P.J. He is as lazy as a sloth. All the school don't like Bob. His teacher said to Bob if you hit and kick someone again your feet and hands will be stitch together. Bob kicked someone and he got them stitch together. Now Bob was the best boy in school, but his writing was really really messing because his hands were stitch up. 

Feedback: Wow what a great story. That was very entertaining and detailed.it was very interesting-Bella 

Evaluation: I think I could add a few more similes.

What If

 W.A.L.T: Entertain

Task: What if? you woke up and all the clocks were dead?

Description: We had to do a what if that our teacher told us to do. We got to make our own what if too.  

Here it is!!!

What if..........
you woke up and all the clocks in the world went dead.

I would go yo clock land and get back all the clocks, but it takes 10years that why know one gos there. Its I good thing that I don't have to go to school! YAY!!! I roll out of bed like a armadillo. I do like school so I'm going to get the clocks back.

Here is my what if!!!
What if all the Animals in the world would talk...

I would love it. I would be awesome because I could talk to my dog. ( Shes called Bella). I wonder what Bella would talk like. Would it be high or low? I want it to be true!!! I could talk to a elephant and a fox and lots and lots of animals. If it was true I would be as happy as a happy man. I would ask my dog do you like the food that we give you?

Evaluation: I think I could add so more similes and alliteration.

Feedback/Foward: WOW Sophie I like how you added lots of detail like when you said "I roll out of bed like a armadillo" because it adds lots of detail. I think you could add a bit more detail on your own one though. -Zara

Sunday, 31 August 2014

The Worlds Oldest Man

We read a story on kiwi kids new about the worlds oldest man.

Here is the questions.

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article? The worlds oldest man is called Sakari Momoi.

2. What was the key event from the news article? It is about the man that is 111 years old.

3. Where did this event take place? He was in Tokyo.

4. When did this event take place. April 2014.

5. Why did this event happen? Because the other oldest man died.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

The Learning Pit

WALA: The Learning Pit

Description: We have been learning about when good learning happens.  

Task: Share what you know about the learning pit.

  • Draw the Learning Pit.
  • List at least 3 feelings that you might have when you are in the pit.
  • List at least 3 strategies that you could use to get out of the pit.
  • Label where good learning happens.
  • List 3 things you could say to yourself when you are in the pit.

Reflect on a time when you have been in the pit.
    • How did you feel when you were in the pit? I feel Challenged, Frustrated, Worried.
    • What did you do to work out of the pit? I would keep saying to myself "I can do it" and " keep trying don't give up".

Feedback/Feedforward: WOW Sophie I really like how you added lots of detail, I like how you have a colour pattern. I think you really made your poster pop and it looks like you have been to the colour workshop on posters and layout and FONT. I think you have explained what "The Pit" is. I like how your title stands out and has lots of colour and all the same size. I think you could improve on making everything spreed out all the paper cause there is some white that you could fill in. #Zara

Writing Sample

WALT:  Entertain

Description: We read the poem “My Remarkable Journey” which inspired us to write our own remarkable journeys about why our homework wasn’t at school today.

Here is my story!!!

I was sitting on the mat and we had finished inquiry. Then my teacher told us that we were not doing 1 page not 2 pages not 3 pages but 10 pages of HOMEWORK. It’s the end of the day and I’m sitting at my desk.

We were meant  to be doing it on our device’s but pages stuffed out. So I email my teacher and he was so angry. The he put every letter in CAPITAL!!! My teacher said do it in book. I said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo! Now I’m ANGRY because of my stupid homework. 

I’m in the peace and quiet, but I’m freezing. 5 mins later. Dun dun dun!!!!!!!Now I am being attack by an Elephant. I bit the Elephants leg. The Elephant ate my homework and jumped out the window. I raced up to the Elephant and said wheres my homework!!! He didn’t say any thing.

We ran into the jungle and I fell over in a mud puddle. It was yuck. I keep sprinting to get my homework. Its so hard to get my stupid homework. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m in HOMEWORK land. OH NO homework land has got lots of quick sand. It pulls you in as fast as a cheetah. Now I’m getting pulled in. This all started because of my stupid HOMEWORK!!! 

A hawk came and saved me. Its a good thing that I’m not going to die but I will drop and It will hurt. That why I don’t have my homework here today. I’m sorry that you can’t hear the rest of my story!!!

We decided that a quality piece of writing has the following things. Reflect on whether these things are in your story:

Introduction: It hooks the reader in the first few lines making them want to read more?

Punctuation: Is your writing ready for a reader? Does your punctuation make it easy for them to read?

Short sentences: Do you create suspense by using these in your writing?

Onomatopoeia: Are these in your writing to create impact?

Alliteration: Are these in your writing to create impact?

Similes/Metaphors: Are these in your writing to create impact?

1. What do you think is the best part of your story? The best part in my story is When He put every letter in CAPITAL.

2. What was the hardest part about completing this portfolio sample? Writing my story because it took for a while to write.

3.  Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? Next time my goal is to add more alliteration.

Feedback/Feedforward: WOW Sophie I really like how you added alot of detail, I think you could improve on less elephant I got a little confused -Zara

Monday, 11 August 2014

My Understanding

Last night there was a super moon. A super moon is when the moon is close to the earth then ever before. If you saw the super moon there were some cloud's over the moon so it was a bit hard to see. In 2015 September it will be a bit bigger but not this big as it was last night.

Here is the link for the real story.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Te Reo

WALT: communicate a message.

Description: We have been participating in 3 different workshops around colour, compositions and fonts.  We put these skills to use in a poster sharing our knowledge about Te Reo Maori. I made a movie as well.

Why? We have noticed that our posters are too cluttered and do not communicate a  message well.

Task: Make a poster about Te Reo Maori.

Message: My message is clear and purposeful.  Everything that is on my poster relates to my message.

Composition:  My poster is balanced.

Font:  My font is clear, readable and suits the message.

Colour:  I have used 2-3 colours that are complementary.  My background choice makes the text pop!

Accuracy:  All of the words on my poster are spelt correctly.

  1. What are you most proud of and why? I'm proud of the colous that match.

  1. What challenged you the most and why? I think the thing that challenged me was spelling the because it's hard to spell word's write in maori.

  1. Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? My next goal is to fill in the space.

Feedback/Feedforward: I like how spelt all the word's right. I like you could work on adding a bit more colour -Georgia

I think in the yellow target

Here is the link for the video.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Writers Notebook

WALT: Collect ideas and experiences

Description: We had to make a page in our writers notebook about what makes you angry. It was really fun.

Evaluation: I think I could work on making the clouds more BLOD.

FeedBack: WOW Sophie :P I think you did a great job :) I think you did a really good job at adding texture and colour. I like how you added a man farting. I think you could improve on adding a bit Bold on the clouds -Zara