Monday, 31 March 2014

Sunday, 30 March 2014


We had to make something the said ANZAC ment.

Here it is!!!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Clay Day

WALT: share an experience with an audience
Success Criteria: Share an experience so that someone else feels as thought they are experiencing it with you.

On Wednesday we did a clay day. It is really really fun. If you want to do clay and it snap's just get some vinegar and just a little bit. I hope you have making if you do.

Here is a photo of one of my clay!!!!!!

Stats Sharp Shooting

WALT: Calculate the mean, median, mode and range for a set of data.
Task: Elly and Troy want to find out once and for all: 
  • which Activity Group has the overall best score, (mean)
  • which Activity Group has the highest middle number, (median)
  • what score was the most common, (mode)
  • which activity group has the highest range. (range)  

In everyday life people collect data to look for trends and make decisions. In order to analyse the information, we need to understand the different ways to lOOK at the data.

Success Criteria you will know you are successful when: 
  • calculate the mean by adding up all the data (9 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 8 = 30) then divide the total by how many numbers there were (9, 4, 4, 5, 8 = 5 numbers so 30 ÷ 5 = 6).
  • calculate the median by ordering all numbers from smallest to biggest then selecting the middle number (4, 4, 5, 8, 9 = 5 is the middle number). If there are 6 numbers e.g. 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, then the median is halfway = 5.5.
  • calculate the mode by identifying which number occurs most often (4, 4, 5, 8, 9 = 4 because there are two of them). You can have more than one mode.
  • calculate the range by finding the difference between the highest and lowest numbers (9 - 4 = 5).
This is what I did today, 

15+22+25 3=46



Zac m




2 Star And a Wish

This is my 2 star and a wish.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Learner Dispositions

I think that I am a Self Directed learner because...

Time: I always complete my priorities in the time given,
I can fill my timetable in and follow it independently,

I am aware of my blockers and make good choices around these,
I can fill my timetable in and follow it independently,
I am aware of what drives my learning and use these appropriately

To be able to move to being a Self Agency learner I must...

Time: I am always well prepared for the day,

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Camp Goals

WALT: Set Smart goal

1 goal
My goal is to try new things (like food)

I have chosen this goal because I don't like to try new things.

I'll know I have achieved this when I have tried something new

I can help myself achieve this by saying I can do this.

2 goal
My goal is to try and make new friend's

I have chosen this because I play with my friend's that I already met

I'll know I have achieved this when I have got a new friend

I can help myself achieve this by making new friend who is in my cabin group.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Two Stars And A Wish

We had to make a two stars and a wish and here is my picture.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Chiddle Waddle Diddle Waddle Doo Poem

WALT: Use rhyme patters effectively
We had to make a poem which is called Chiddle Waddle Diddle Waddle Doo

See See a enormous bee
Run Run to get your job done
Spit Spit just a little bit
Chiddle waddle Diddle waddle doo

Jump Jump on a big bump
Make Make a blueberry cake
Steal Steal your mum's high heel
Chiddle waddle Diddle waddle doo

Fly Fly in a chicken pie
Cry Cry cause your up so high
Sleep Sleep on a silly old jeep
Chiddle waddle Diddle waddle doo

Smell Smell a rusty bell
Flip Flip on a huge clip
Catch Catch your cabbage patch
Chiddle waddle Diddle waddle
Chiddle waddle Diddle waddle
Chiddle waddle Diddle waddle doo

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Sophies And Jades Reflexes

We had to make a steam and leaf graph about our reflexes.
Here is our date and graph's

WALT: gather, display and discuss data

Success Criteria:  
  • Gather relevant information
  • Display data on a stem and leaf graph
  • Make some conclusions about the data

To present information about reaction times using a ruler.


Stem and Leaf Graph:

Sorted Stem and Leaf Graph:


Self Assessment:
  • I can gather relevant information
  • I can display data on a stem and leaf graph
  • I can make some conclusions about the data

Peer Assessment:
  • I can gather relevant information
  • I can display data on a stem and leaf graph
  • I can make some conclusions about the data


Tuesday, 4 March 2014


We had to make a word-cloud on ABCya word cloud.
Here is a photo and link!!!


We had to make a post about CMIYC.
Here are some photos!!!

Reading Portfolio Sample Sophie Brown

Nearly 40 people in Auckland have recently been diagnosed with the infectious measles disease.
Westlake Boys High School on Aucklands North Shore is one of the hardest hit communities with 20 ill students.
Several other Westlake Boys High pupils who have not been immunised against measles have been asked to stay away for the next two weeks.
Measles is a very serious disease that is highly contagious and can spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
The symptoms include fever, a cough, sore eyes and a rash. There is no treatment, and complications can be severe.
The Auckland Health Service has estimated that around 750 people are at immediate risk of catching the highly contagious disease.
Dr. Julia Peters said the Health Service had been working with the North Shore school for just over a week when the first case of measles was found there.
"This is definitely more than what we'd normally see. We're working hard to contain the measles within the Auckland region."
Dr. Peters said many people who had come down with the disease had recently been overseas and, in particular, in the Philippines.
The public health service has sent information to parents and students at Westlake Boys High and asked that those students who are not sure whether they have been immunised against measles to stay away.
"What we're trying to do is isolate those students as well as those who have measles, because students who are not immunised can get sick," she said.
Another seven cases of measles in Auckland are being investigated - three of them from the same school.
What to watch for Symptoms
* High fever.
* Runny nose, cough, red eyes.
* Small white spots inside mouth.
* Red, blotchy rash on face and neck and later over entire body.

WALT: Analysing an article
Task: Answer questions based on a Newspaper Article.
Success Criteria:
  • Show critical thinking in your answers.
  • Answer questions in full sentences.
  • Use correct spelling and punctuation.

1) How do people contract measles?
By sitting next to people who have the Measles and who don’t have the injection.

2) Why do you think so many students at Westlake High School have contracted measles?
By people have caught the Measles off someone else.

3) What is the Auckland Health Services main role in this measles outbreak?
They don’t want to another county and pass the measles on.

4) In the article Dr. Peters said “many people who had come down with the disease had recently been overseas and, in particular, in the Philippines.” Why do you think this is?
By people in the Philippines had the Measles and bring them the to Auckland.

5) In your opinion what would be the best way to avoid getting measles?
By the person or people who had the Measles should get the injection.  

Use the following criteria to assess yourself and your peer
  • Show critical thinking in your answers.
  • Answer questions in full sentences.
  • Use correct spelling and punctuation.

Self Assessment:

target green.jpg Target yellow.jpg Target red.jpg

Peer Assessment:

target green.jpg Target yellow.jpg Target red.jpg

Monday, 3 March 2014

My Goals

We had to make a post on our blog. My maths goal is..........           Deciding which strategy is best to use.

Here is my reading goal is...........         Making sure I know what the words mean\

Milania, 5, takes the long way home

Milania Lang is only 5 years old, but she didn't let 6.8km of busy roads get in the way of an epic solo scooter journey.
Milania's intrepid outing began when mum Kamilla took her and two friends, plus Kamilla's 19-year-old niece Danielle, to watch a movie at the Auckland waterfront on a recent busy Sunday
"We'd been at the Lantern Festival and I'd heard there was a kid's movie on at the Wynyard Quarter. So I decided to take the children to see it."
With the three children and Danielle, Kamilla went to an information centre on the waterfront to ask about the film.
"They were only about a metre behind me. I thought Milania was just an arm's reach away." But setting out for Princes Wharf, Kamilla realised Milania was missing.
"I asked the others if they knew where she was; but they didn't. So we started frantically looking." But Milania was nowhere to be seen.
Security staff reviewed CCTV footage, which revealed Milania had looked away at the moment the others went into the centre and it showed her looking around, confused, and scootering off in the opposite direction.
Kamilla called the rest of Milania's family and they came immediately to join the search. After about an hour, the police were called.
One of the officers asked if there was any chance of Milania having gone home. Kamilla thought it unlikely but went with an officer to their home almost 7km away.
"I left the other children with my friend, and drove home in the car. The officer said it was time for us to alert the media and get a helicopter out. That really hit me hard."
They arrived at the family home, but Milania was nowhere to be seen. As they were driving back, a policewoman saw a small child four doors from the home, sitting on a footpath.
"She asked me 'is that her'," said Kamilla. And it was and she was very tired and quiet, but calm. The first thing she said to me was 'you lost me Mum'!
Milania explained she'd lost sight of the group and thought they must have headed home. "So she decided to scooter home to find us. She had to cross some of Auckland's busiest streets all by herself."
Milania's journey is all the more remarkable as she has been to the Wynyard Quarter only two or three times this summer.

Asked if she was scared or sad during her epic journey, Milania responded: "I cried, but just a little."

Comprehension Questions

WALT: Analysing an article

Record your responses to the following questions on your blog. (Think about a suitable title)

1) Do you think Milania did the right thing? What could she have done instead? I think she could have gone to a officers  

2) What are some potential dangers that Milania faced? kidnapped,hurt,cars.
3) Define Frantically and what is another word for it that you could use. rushing,scared.