Purpose: create a story to share orally
Description: Oral storytelling is a Maori tradition. We have been planning our own story to tell on the Marae in Week 7.
Success Criteria:
Between 1 and 2 minutes long
Using your voice to make sounds effects
Using your whole body to make actions
Use your face to tell a story through facial expression
Knowing the story, knowing the setting
Get the picture into your listener’s head
Stay in character - keep your composure.
Audience participation
Unique and original (Hook your audience)
Here is my link to my video, hope you like it!!!
Feedback/Feedfoward: You did really well next time you could work on specking a bit louder but other than that you did really well -Tabitha
Evaluation: I think I could work on adding a bit more detail and more actions. I need to speak a bit louder.
Sophie - you have thought very carefully about the evaluation of your storytelling - adding more detail would give the audience a deeper understanding of your characters/message. I was struck by how well you knew your story and how confident you were in the telling of it! Great!