In Te Reo we have been learning about whakatauki's this term whakatauki is Ehara tauku toa, he takitahi, he toa taki tini. This means my success is not just for me it's for everyone. We have recently had a market day and this whakatauki is connected to that. We had to make a poster and add a photo about team work, here is my poster.
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Athletics Reflection 2016
Yesterday we had Athletics day and here is my reflection and picture of the massy track.
- What was the most enjoyable part of athletics for you? Why?
I most enjoyed participating in the events because I liked trying my best and enjoyed
cheering on my friends
- What are you really proud of? Why?
I was proud of our house because we came 2nd in the relay race.
- What was the most challenging part? Why?
The most challenging part was discs because I'm not good at it
because I didn't practice discus much.
- Where to now? What are your goals for next time? Why do you want to focus on this?
Next time I think that I need to practice more because it will be more effective.
Monday, 14 November 2016
ET Reo
Every Monday afternoon half of poutama do ET Reo (Elly Troy Reo) with Elly and Troy. This term we have been preparing for market day and we wanted to be able to greet people and tell them about our product in Maori. We got a task to make a movie on puppet pals, imovie etc. I worked with Sophie and Bella to make a puppet pals. There are a few mistakes and next time we would do it to a higher quality, but we ran out of time. Here is our movie...
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Book Buddies Term 4
This term we have carried on book buddies and my buddy is still Zara. We are reading a new book called Demon Dentist and it is by David Walliams. We have Nic as our new coach because Troy had to many people. Here is our new slide.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Prep/Market Day
This term we are having a market day. Market day is on the 11 of november. I'm in a group with Bella and Tabitha. Our product that we were selling is soap dough which is a dough that you can play with and you can take a pinch you can wash your hands with it.
Now that market day is done I am going to tell you a bit about how it went. Pretty much everybody sold out including us. We made a great profit of around $66! It was very busy and there were lots of people pre-ordering our product. All together we made $2406!!
We have filled in a slide of our reflection. Here it is...
Now that market day is done I am going to tell you a bit about how it went. Pretty much everybody sold out including us. We made a great profit of around $66! It was very busy and there were lots of people pre-ordering our product. All together we made $2406!!
We have filled in a slide of our reflection. Here it is...
Statistics Survey
Last week we had a Crazy Hair Day on friday. In we have been learning about statistics and the teachers made a survey. We all got to do the survey and the survey was about what we want to see at market day. Then we had to make our own survey with a group. We had to make a graph about the info that we collected. We decided to make a pie graph. My group was Aria, Bella and Charlotte. Here I our Crazy Hair Day survey and our graph.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Persuasive Writing
In writing we have been learning how to persuade others to buy our product. We were given a small box, that we made a use for, Tabitha and we decided that it should be a teleporter, then we wrote an add in our book, next we recorded it and here it is.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Risk Taking
This term we had a group of kids work with Elly, Nic, Troy and some teacher from a different school about risk taking. They filled out a sheet about what was there most highest riskiest thing was and there lest riskiest thing. Some of them said that going down a pole was there lest riskiest thing and some of them said that singing in front of an audience or putting your hand in a mystery box. They had to do there most riskiest thing. Then the people who didn't do it learnt about what they did but we didn't have to do our most riskiest thing.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Art Portfolio Sample
This term we have been doing our calendar art and we are doing our self portraits. The first stage was to think about what represents us and draw the ideas down. The second stage was draw our ideas onto A3 card. The third stage was to practiced using paint and pastel for our backgrounds. The fourth stage was to practice drawing our self portrait and after that we had a practice we got some card and drew the real thing. The last thing we did was the background. We used paint pastel and dye to make the background look effective. Here is a slide showing some effects we used and the finished piece.
Feedback/Feedforward: I think you could work on going into more detail In some of your sections but otherwise well done Sophie well done indeed - Tabitha C
Feedback/Feedforward: I think you could work on going into more detail In some of your sections but otherwise well done Sophie well done indeed - Tabitha C
Sunday, 4 September 2016
ET Reo Portfolio Sample
This term for ET Reo we have been learning about Whakatauki's and that means a proverb. The proverb that we have been learning about is (He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata) This means (What is the most important thing in the world? The people, The people, The people). Our task was to create a self portrait and then we put them all up on the wall with the Whakatauki. Here my portrait and the wall of everyones.

Feedback/Feedback: I think your portrait was really good but next time you could make it
bigger - Charlotte
Evaluation: I think that did a good job but next time I could make it look more like me and make it bigger.

Feedback/Feedback: I think your portrait was really good but next time you could make it
bigger - Charlotte
Evaluation: I think that did a good job but next time I could make it look more like me and make it bigger.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Writing Portfolio Sample
This term for writing I have been working with Elly. Our focus has been around sentences Troy focus has been around words and Nic's focus has been around planning. We have been learning about simple sentences, Compound sentences and Complex sentences. Elly made a slide about what we have been
learning and here is my slide.
Evaluation: I think that I have done a good job we learning the different type of sentences but I could work on my complex sentences a bit more
I think you could work on knowing the difference between complex and compound sentences as soon as you see them.
- Tabitha C
learning and here is my slide.
Evaluation: I think that I have done a good job we learning the different type of sentences but I could work on my complex sentences a bit more
I think you could work on knowing the difference between complex and compound sentences as soon as you see them.
- Tabitha C
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Measurement Portfolio Sample
This term in maths we are learning about measurement. Before we started the learning we got a rich task and we all did the task in an amount of time. The task was all about measurement and we had a go at the task.We hadn't had any workshops around measurement so I didn't do very well. Then we had some workshops on measurement like, area with Elly, capacity with Nic and weight with Troy. I went to two of the workshop. After that week we did the rich task again and I knew a lot more but if a went to 3 workshops I would have done even better.
Book Buddies Portfolio Sample
This term we have started I reading program called book buddies. Book buddies is when the teachers give you I buddy and you both pick I book from the selection that the teacher gave us. My buddy is Zara and we are reading a book called paper planes. Paper planes is about I boy who is in the middle of a war and he is with his best friend and his family. The teachers made a slide everyone and copied and here is Zara and I's slide.
Evaluation: I think that Zara and I have picked a great choice on what book we are reading because I really like the book and Zara is a great buddy to work with.
Feedback/Feedforward: Wow Sophie, you have come really far in your reading, you could work reading more of the book-Tabitha
Evaluation: I think that Zara and I have picked a great choice on what book we are reading because I really like the book and Zara is a great buddy to work with.
Feedback/Feedforward: Wow Sophie, you have come really far in your reading, you could work reading more of the book-Tabitha
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Excellence Portfolio Sample
Every Monday Poutama and Poutokomanawa have discovery time. Discovery time goes till lunch. There are lots of different activities like finger knitting, making pompoms, skipping, tents, sewing and pogo sticks etc. Last week I did skipping and then I came inside and did some finger knitting and making pompoms. We tried to make a giant pompom but it didn't work so we jus made small ones.
Evaluation: I think that I have done well in discovery time because I have been showing panekiretanga but I could work on discovery a bit more.
Sophie you have done great at showing excellence in discovery time next time I agree with you you could discover a bit more and go out of you comfort zone -Bella M
Evaluation: I think that I have done well in discovery time because I have been showing panekiretanga but I could work on discovery a bit more.
Sophie you have done great at showing excellence in discovery time next time I agree with you you could discover a bit more and go out of you comfort zone -Bella M
Sunday, 31 July 2016
2nd Discovery Time
Today I first attempted to make a house out of the imaginz but there wasn't enough bits to make it. So then I went outside and did some skipping with Zara and Yassmine. After that I went inside and did some sewing. I was going to make a quilt and then I didn't have enough time to finnish so I'll finnish at home. So today I learnt how to make a quilt.
Sunday, 24 July 2016
Discovery Time
Every monday from 9:20am till 12:40pm we do discovery time with Poutokomanawa. The teachers chose a lot different actives like making goo, sewing, finger knitting, tents, marbles etc. I made tents and we put blankets, white boards and books in the tents. After we made the tents we did some finger knitting. This was challenging because we didn't know what type wool but in the we had to experiment and thick wool work the best.
Monday, 4 July 2016
SLC Reflection
Yesterday I had my student led conference with Nic and my Mum. Today the teachers gave us some questions to answer about my SLC.
1) How do you think you did on your SLC? What was the highlight?
I think that my SLC was good because I don't normally get time to share my learning with my Mum.
2) What did you do differently to make your SLC stand out?
I think that I made mine stand out by sharing my learning from the heart not from my post.
3) How will you make your Home Led Conference in Term 3 be awesome? What things might you do to make it awesome?
I could go out and not get distracted from my brother and other family members and ask my Mum if she has any questions.
Monday, 27 June 2016
Sea Turtles Writing
This term our writing has been around Sea Turtles, First we watch a video so we could learn about them. Then we took notes about the video and then we made a plan so we knew what we were going to write about. Then we did our first draft and then we conference with a teacher. Then we did our second draft.
Here is the video we watched.
Here is my writing.
When they grow into adults they are the size of a table. When the Mums grow fully into adults they go up to the beach. Then dig a hole and lay their eggs, but only 2 survive to breeding age.
Here is the video we watched.
Here is my writing.
Sea Turtles
The Sea Turtle is a threatened species that has been on earth over 150 million years. It takes approximately 20 years for the Sea turtles to grow into the adults.
When the eggs are lay approximately 1000 are laid.When the eggs are laid they are the size of a ping pong ball. Their Mum will dig a hole and lay the eggs in there. Only 800 will hatch.
When the eggs hatch they are the size of the palm of your hand. Getting to the water is hard for the little turtles because there are many obstacles like crabs, birds and rubbish that can kill the turtles because they can’t defend themselves. Only 400 make it to the water.
Growing Up
Growing up is still hard for the sea turtles because there are Sharks, big Fish and Birds that will eat the turtles. So only 200 tune into adults.
When they grow into adults they are the size of a table. When the Mums grow fully into adults they go up to the beach. Then dig a hole and lay their eggs, but only 2 survive to breeding age.
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Science Seed2Table
Today in Seed2Table we found lots of different seed packets and we didn't know how old they were so we germinated them. First we got two paper towels and put them in water. Then we put 6 seeds onto the paper towel and folded it in half. Then we sealed the edges and put it into a snap lock bag and wrought our names on the bag what seeds we put in. Here is mine.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
E Te Reo
Every Monday afternoon Poutama splits into two different groups. One group goes to kapa haka and the other group goes to E Te Reo. I go to E Te Reo with Troy and Elly. This term we had a task to create something about helping others to learn how to say to food in maori. We got into a group of 4 or 5 people and my group has Tabitha, Bella, Charlotte, Rebekah & Myself, Sophie. We made flash cards and on one side the food was in English and the other side was maori. We also have been learning a new song called Aotearoa by Stan Walker. Here is the song and photos of our flash cards.
Good job Sophie, you are doing really well, you could work on being more fluent and
confident-Tabitha C
Evaluation: Thanks Tabitha for the feedback and will work on that next time.
Good job Sophie, you are doing really well, you could work on being more fluent and
confident-Tabitha C
Evaluation: Thanks Tabitha for the feedback and will work on that next time.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Douglas Park Sample
Last week a school from Masterson came to our school to have a sports exchange. Last year we went on a bus to Masterson but this year they came to us. In the sports exchange there are 5 different sports Rugby, Hockey, Basket Ball, Soccer and Netball. I played Netball and the score was 7 all. When they arrived on the bus the school ambassadors welcomed the and bought them into the hall. Then we had a powiat and we had some morning tea. Then all the Hockey players went on a bus to QEC to play there games because we don't have a Hockey turf. After all of the games we had a mini prizing giving. We had little MVP trophies, that one person from each team got. We have a big flag that one school will win and we have trophies that are in the shapes of each sport ball. Last year we won the flag and the Rugby trophy, Basket Ball trophy and the Soccer trophy. This year we lost the flag and we won the Basket Ball trophy and the Soccer trophy. The whole day was really fun and here are some pictures of the day.
We got given a task to make a small video about douglas park and our challenges and highlights so here is mine.

Feedback/Feedforward: Nice job Sophie next time you could have more depth in your answers so we know why but I think you have done a really nice job.
Evaluation:I think that I did a good job but next time I could be more detailed in my answers so others know why.
We got given a task to make a small video about douglas park and our challenges and highlights so here is mine.

Feedback/Feedforward: Nice job Sophie next time you could have more depth in your answers so we know why but I think you have done a really nice job.
Evaluation:I think that I did a good job but next time I could be more detailed in my answers so others know why.
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Sport Start Sample
In Poutama every Wednesday and Thursday we go out for sport start. We have been learning a few different games and we have recorded 2 videos. One video is about a game called gate ways and there are a lot of different cones set up with ether a small ball, a mini bean bag and a ring. First we get a buddy and go to a gate way then we throw the piece of equipment to each other 5 times. Then we move to another gate way and do that 3 times.
Here is us playing gate ways.
Coming soon.
The second game is called rainbow strike and there are two teams, one team are fielders and the other team are the batters. Someone from the fielders team bowls and small ball and if the batter hits the ball into the first square they get 1 point, second square 2 points and the third square 3 points. They can get bonus points by running to the top corner of the court and you can run there and back as many times as you want before the ball gets back to the bowler.
Here is a video of us playing rainbow strike.
Feedback/Feedforward: I like the way you were your balls of your feet ready to go to the next gateway. Next time you could hit the ball more fiercely to help get a bigger score. Emily
Evaluation: I think that I'm quit good at gate ways but I still need to work on rainbow strike and hitting the ball harder.
Here is us playing gate ways.
Coming soon.
The second game is called rainbow strike and there are two teams, one team are fielders and the other team are the batters. Someone from the fielders team bowls and small ball and if the batter hits the ball into the first square they get 1 point, second square 2 points and the third square 3 points. They can get bonus points by running to the top corner of the court and you can run there and back as many times as you want before the ball gets back to the bowler.
Here is a video of us playing rainbow strike.
Feedback/Feedforward: I like the way you were your balls of your feet ready to go to the next gateway. Next time you could hit the ball more fiercely to help get a bigger score. Emily
Evaluation: I think that I'm quit good at gate ways but I still need to work on rainbow strike and hitting the ball harder.
Friday, 17 June 2016
Science Portfolio Sample
This term every friday we and been doing inquiry. For our inquiry each teacher and been focusing on something different about science. Nic's group is learning about the moon, Troys group is learning about the weather and Elly's group is doing Seed-To-Table. I have been working with Troy and we got to choose what we wanted to focus on and I wanted to learn about snow and snowstorms. Then got to choose a experiment about our focus. My experiment was to make snow and then make a snow storm in a jar. To make the snow you will need shaving cream, baking soda and a bowl. First you spray some of the shaving cream into the the bowl then put some of the baking soda into the bowl and mix with your hands. Keep adding more of baking soda or shaving cream to make your snow. To make the snowstorm you will need water, baby oil, alka seltzer, white paint, a jar, a bowl and something to mix with. First fill the jar 3/4 of the way with baby oil, then in the bowl mix the water and white paint this will be the fake snow. Then add the water and paint mixture with the baby oil. Then add the alka seltzer and watch.
Here is us making the snowstorm and the snow.
Here are my slides.
Feedback/Feedforward: I think this experiment is really interesting but next time you could talk in the video -Eli
Evaluation: I think that we did a good job with our experiment but next time we could talk in the video.
Here is us making the snowstorm and the snow.
Here are my slides.
Feedback/Feedforward: I think this experiment is really interesting but next time you could talk in the video -Eli
Evaluation: I think that we did a good job with our experiment but next time we could talk in the video.
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Maths Squares
In maths we got given task to find different letters are there in the alphabet that have an area of 6 squares? I did all of the alphabet and I got 20/26. Here is my letters.

Monday, 6 June 2016
Cross Country Goal
Today is Cross Country and we were given task to set a goal for ourselves. My goal is to come in the top ten because I have been working hard and practicing hard as well.
Sunday, 29 May 2016
Maths Test
Last week we did a stage 6 test and at the start of the year we did a different test but the same level. At the start of the year I got 44% out of 100% and the test we did last week I got 44%. I think that I did all the ones the I have been practicing I did first and then I ran out of time to do the other questions.
Monday, 23 May 2016
Fractions Maths Portfolio Sample
This term in maths we have been learning about fractions. I have been learning about improper fractions, proper fractions, mixed fractions and how to convert improper fractions into mixed fractions. We got given a rich task to....

Evaluation: I think that I did a good job but next time I good explain a bit more and when I got stuck I keep on going.
Here is my working out.

I first got all the amounts I needed, then I saw that 2/4 was the same as half of 300 and half of 300 is 150 and half of 150 is 75. Then I did 5 divided 300 and that was 60 and so 1/5 of 300 is 60 and 1/4 of 300 is 75. Then I did 10 divided by 300 and that was 30. Then I doubled 30 because there were 2/10 and that was 60.
Evaluation: I think that I did a good job but next time I good explain a bit more and when I got stuck I keep on going.
Feedback/Feedforward: Great job sophie I think you did great but next time you could show your working a bit more so that if I wanted to work it out i could come here to get help-Bella M
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Tangrams Challenge
Today we had a challenge to make 3 tangram shapes out of a square that was cut into pieces. We had to make up our own ideas. I made a christmas tree, a dog, a candle and a chair that you press a button and a foot rest comes out. Here are my creations.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Writing Workshop
Today I had I writing workshop with Nic and we drew a van digram of. One side was Non Fiction and the other side was Fiction and in the middle was the same things that the storys have in common. Here is my van digram.
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
This term the year 6's are learning Japanese with one of the teachers called Kelly. We do Japanese every Thursday afternoon. We have already learnt how to say 1-10 in Japanese and how to write 1-10 in Japanese. I have been enjoying learning Japanese and Kelly chose's two people to do a challenge and that challenge is to eat as many marshmallows as possible with chopsticks. On the 29 of june we are going to IPU witch stands for International Pacific University. We are going for a day trip.
We have made a slide and here are my slides.
Feedback/Feedforward: Great job sophie maybe you could work on making your pronunciation a bit stronger, so people from Japan can understand you- Tabitha C
Evaluation: I think that I'm doing well in Japanese but I can still practice.
We have made a slide and here are my slides.
Feedback/Feedforward: Great job sophie maybe you could work on making your pronunciation a bit stronger, so people from Japan can understand you- Tabitha C
Evaluation: I think that I'm doing well in Japanese but I can still practice.
Monday, 16 May 2016
Today I was working on fraction matcher and I got 18 out of 24 and they were hard but I got though them. I can still work on matching fraction.
Writing WS
Today I had a writing work shop and we were making a fib or fact about us or something in the world. I did a fib, so I said that I have 5 animals but I have 6 animals.
Every day we have a different writing task and today we had to put a metaphor in a sentence. Here is mine.
There was a loud "bang"and then someone came rolling down the stairs.
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Today in our workshop we were learning about skimming and we skimmed a piece of text that was about the medications about trees and making them into meds. Here is a post about skimming.
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Earth The Moon The Sun 2
Today we did a second video about the earth, the moon, the sun. We did this because we had learnt some more facts about the moon, the sun and the earth work and I work with Aria.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Today in our work shop we learnt about summarizing and that you can't make a long text into I short text. We had to read a piece of long text that we had to shorten and it was about the moon and here is the text. Here is I picture of the text.
Today I got 18 out of 18 and I think that I'm doing well with my spelling but I can still work on some other words.

Sunday, 8 May 2016
Today I worked on my mixed, proper and improper fractions. I did three quizzes and I got ten out of ten on them.
I think that I don't need to work on this anymore because I can do it without thinking about it.
I think that I don't need to work on this anymore because I can do it without thinking about it.
Last week we did a Spelling test and we had to write 300 words but we did it in two days so on the first day we did 150 words and on the 2nd day we did 150 words as well. On the first half of the test I got 5 wrong and on the second half 13 wrong. The second half is harder.

I think that I need to practice some words but I think I did well overall.

I think that I need to practice some words but I think I did well overall.
Last week we did a handwriting test. We got given a poem and I piece of paper and we had five minters write it. The poem had to be fast, accurate and legible. After 5 minters were over we choose what level we were on and if we got more than 40 you were on level 4 and if you got more than 30 you were on level 3 and it kept going down. Then we choose what our goal would be and my goal was on placement. Here is my test.
I think I did a good job overall but next time I could be a bit faster to get it done and to work on my placement.
I think I did a good job overall but next time I could be a bit faster to get it done and to work on my placement.
Thursday, 5 May 2016
The Moon The Sun The Earth
This term we are learning about the moon. So we made a 10-15 second video about the Moon, Sun and Earth. We used 3 different type of balls like a marble, a big ball and a soft ball. The balls represent a the Moon, the Sun and the Earth. We could work with a buddy so I worked with Aria.
Sam the Alien/Human Maths
Today we got given a task to make Sam who is an alien into a human, by giving him half of his eyes blue, one third of his teeth is yellow, one quarter of his freckles to be red and one sixth of his hairs to be green. Here is my alien.

I think that I did a really good job on following the instructions correctly.

I think that I did a really good job on following the instructions correctly.
Maths With Scott
Today we had a task to do a word find and we had to use fractions to find the right letter and then we got the word. Then we had to make our own word find, here is mine.
What letter is 1/2 Window
What letter is 6/6 Sample
What letter is 1/3 Street
What letter is 4/5 Robby
What letter is 2/5 Pages
What letter is 3/6 Yellow
What letter is 4/4 Bell
I think did well with uses different fraction that that are challenges but next time I could use a longer word.
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Maths 100%
Today in maths I was learning about converting fractions into mixed fraction.
I think I did well on learning how to convert fraction but I still need some more practice.
I think I did well on learning how to convert fraction but I still need some more practice.
Monday, 2 May 2016
Bayan Tree Art
Last term we did some art with Anna. First we looked at some picture of a Bayan tree and a Bayan trees has the roots hanging branches instead of under the earth. Then we drew the Bayan tree in pencil. After we did the pencil we painted black paint over top of the pencil. Then we coloured in the gaps with pastel and we blended two or three colours together. We made a sunset with three colours. Then we used different blues to make the water and made a shadow.

I really liked my art but next time I could make the gaps bigger because it took awhile to colour in.

I really liked my art but next time I could make the gaps bigger because it took awhile to colour in.
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Maths Week 1
Today I learnt about proper and improper fractions, I learnt if the denominator is smaller than the nominator it is a improper fraction and if it is bigger than the the nominator it proper fraction.
I think I could work on this but I still learnt what they meant.
I think I could work on this but I still learnt what they meant.
Thursday, 31 March 2016
School Ambassador
Today we were taking some Massey University Students round the school and we had 4 or 5 people to show around and at the end we shared our learning with one of the Students and I shared my learning with Ashely. Some of us had badges and here is my badge and some photos.
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