Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Inquiry Term 4

Description: This term we have been doing inquiry every Thursday, we split into our inquiry group and I'm with James, we do 3D print making. We design our creations on sketch up and then James prints them out. I work with Tabitha and we have made a mug, paw print and a dog tag all in 3D.

Our focus for inquiry is future generation and how we can benefit the next generation of R.S.S children. We are benefiting the next generation by creating objects that others would want to make.

The other focus is to think out side of the box thinking, Tabitha and I have been thinking out side of the box to make our inquiry have a purpose. Here are so pictures of our creations.

  1. What did you accomplish? I accomplish a little paw print keyring and then I painted it purple and black. 
  2. What was the most frustrating /challenging thing? The most challenging thing was when the 3D printer stopped working and when the paint went over the hole. 
  3. What was your proudest moment in your inquiry? My proudest moment was the finished outcome because I put a lot of effort into it.
  4. How did you show Agency, Creativity & Excellence? I showed Agency by not getting stuck on the escalator and working and sharing with Tabitha. I showed Creativity by not getting things off the 3D warehouse because I though of my own ideas and I showed Excellence by making and painting it to the best of my ability. 

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Reading Follow Task Week 7

1. What do you think Baba is going to do after she said, 
"There's only one thing we can do." ? 
We have to go.

2. Describe what you think will happen after Tai said, "A bird." 
Are you shore is wasn't a dream.

3. Invent a different way to change how the water stick works. It would when you true it up side down and it would make a noise and lead you their.

4. What is happening to Baba's feelings, when some people disagree with her? She would think she was right and she didn't want to be not right.    

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Book Bash Follow up Task

We have to answer 4 questions that our reading Buddy got from the blooms question and the blooms question are a range of question that are related to the story that we read in our reading group. I had to make 4 question for my reading who is Amy, here are the question that Amy gave me and the answers.

  • What examples can you find from when you had to be a leader?
When I had to lead my family thought lots of bush & trees.

  • Explain similarities between you and Baba?
The similarities between Baba and I are we both have a big 
family and we are both really kind to one another.

  • How would you feel if you were the leader.
I would feel really scared because I don't know what the
dessert would like.

  • If you created a new character what would it be  
The new charter would be a chicken because they could lay eggs for them to eat.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Reading Follow Up Task

Description: Our reading follow up task is to answer questions about the book petronas and here are my answers.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Discovery Time

In discovery time we have a list of things that we could do and I choose to do a drawing with Bella.

  1. Today for discovery I drew a picture with Bella and we filled in the gaps with pattens.
  2. I showed creativity by thinking of lots of things to draw and thinking of pattens.
  3. I showed agency by always being on task and not being silly.
  4. I showed excellence by always getting things the way we wanted them to look like.
  5. Next week I'm going to continue on my drawing 

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Book Bash

This term we are doing book bash we choose our three favourite books and there were ten to choose from. I choose  Esio trot, Petronas and This Land We Call Home, then we got put into groups. My groups is Petronas. We had to answer three questions and they are.....
What made you choose this book?  What appeals to you?  What hooked you in?
We had to make a predictions about what we think mite happens.

Title- I had never herd of the title before so I thought I would try it out. I want to know what it meant and why. Its sounds like a interesting and adventurous.

Blurb- The blurb sounds really cool and adventurous and Ive never read I blurb like it ever before so thats why choose the book and plus the blurb is very interesting and weird. It sounds like for the blurb that petronas are a type of person.

Cover Design- The cover looks really weird but cool and the bird on the cover is an eagle. There are different shapes like rain drops and lines. There is some thing that looks like a water fall.

Predictions-I think that there is a big city and there are so people that are called petronals and they mite fighting so other people for so land.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Image Prompts

Our task was to make a summary about a image they gave us and why it relates to our learning. Here is the image that we had to summarise and here is my story.

This relates to my learning because its like jumping in to the learning pit but its jumping out of a plane. This also relates to my by taking a risk to succeed and having a growth mindset.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Te Reo Portfolio Sample

 Description: In class having been learning the maori body parts and we could choose to make a puppet pals, music video, movie and a poster. We had to work in a group I choose to work with Bella and Zara. We made a poster on pic collage. We had to choose who our would be our audience and we choose 5 year olds. So here is our poster.

Big Idea: We had to make a poster and name all the maori body parts we know and we knew a lot. I learnt quite a lot that I didn't all ready know. We all learnt a song called To Tinana Ki Roto and that helped as to learn the maori body parts.

Feedback/Feedforward:i like the way that you did it in maori. Next time add more detail and more body parts - Kiana

Evaluation: I think that I did a really good job but I think I could make the text a bit bigger so you can read it.

Passion Project Portfolio Sample

Description: We have been trying to find out our passion and my passion that I found out is interior design and we could work in a small group or to work by yourself and I choose to work by myself. I had to make a mood board. 

Big Idea: I am trying to get better at interior design and trying to find out the make look nice in a house/home. When I have got all my imfomation I will start to make my dream home. I am trying to learn the rules that you might need in a house/home. Here are so of the rules.

  1. You would put three or five candles,cups etc
  2. It would be good to have a feature wall
  3. Use bright colours in a room 


Feedback/Feedforward: WOW Sophie. Looks like you have done a lot of research on interior designs. Next time you add more detail about interior designs - Zara

Evaluation: I think I did a good job but I think I could add more detail about interior design.  

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Maths Portfolio Sample

Description:  In math we have been learning times and division with rebecca. We did two question.The question is that there are 52 students going to the regent and 8 students can fit in 1 minivan so how many minivans will we need.


1st question:

2nd question:

Big idea: For the first question I used skip counting to get 48 and the I knew that there were 4 left. For the second question I used to different ways to work it out and I used skip counting for the first question and for the second way I used the hundred board and the answer was $42.   

Feedback/Feedforward:i like how how you solved the question in stead of going 7,14 ... and so on. instead you did 5x6 and 6x2. I think you need to make it more clear what question your solving - Eil

Evaluation: I think I did really well but I think I could work on not using skip counting and I could use 5x6 and 6x2.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Writing Portfolio Sample

Description:  In writing I have been learning about sentences. I'm in Troys writing group. I'm trying to get better at using fanboys by not using as much talking. The motivation came from the picture we were writing about. I did a news report about the picture.


Big Idea: After I finish my story I went back and added more detail and  My goal is F,A,N,B,O,Y,S What means For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So. I decided to do FANBOYS as my goal because I am not using it much in my writing. Here is my story!!!

Feedback/Feedforward: Wow Sophie that is a good reason why you should not swim in the deep blue sea of fiji. I think you could improve on adding a bit more detail and fanboys but otherwise it is a really good story -Aria :)    

Evaluation: I think I did a good job but I think I could improve on using a few more fanboys.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Production Protfiolo Sample

In class we have been designing our wearable art for production and the whole school have a different theme and and we got to chose from out of africa with Kate and heroes and villains with Rebecca and Troy did elements. I chose to do heroes and villains with Rebecca. I chose to do a villains because I like them better than heroes. My main colour is dark blue and we had to do a mood board and we had to do up cycle as well. The whole schools theme is ora life.

1) The materials that I used to create my garment were: A big black rubbish bag, black & blue fake leaves, cardboard. 

2) The most challenging thing about production for me was: Cutting out the leaves and the cape.
3) One way I demonstrated a growth mindset during production was: I was really bored of cutting out leaves but I kept on going and I think it ended up cool.
4) Something I am really proud of about production was: I was proud of my cape and tail.
5) Our school vision is to inspire agency, creativity and excellence. I showed this by: I think that I was being creative and I wasn't going to do the mask but I wanted to strive for excellence.

you look great and you put a lot of effort into it and I love the mask but you could have managed your time a bit better - Bella  

Evaluation: I am happy with my garment. 

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

How Does A Bee Sting

Description: In reading we have been doing tic tac toes which is a bunch activities. Im in summarizing and I did how does a bee sting? You watch a video and summarize it into your own piece of text.

Here is mine

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Reading Portfolio Sample

Description: In class we have been doing tic tac toes which is lots of activities that are to do with our reading goal (my goal is summarizing) We go to workshops and summarizing stories that we read together. The activity that I did was waste man which is a man made out of heaps of bits of waste.

Here is my story: There is a guy called Antony Gormley and he made waste man. Antony Gormley made waste man in 2006 and it took him 6 weeks to make and the day after he burnt him. Waste man is sky high and he was made out of 30 tonnes. The waste was collected by the Thanet Waste and the local people.

Big Idea: Summarizing is when you have a long story and you shorten it to the main points. From doing this task I have learnt to summarize the key points in questions.

Feedback/Feedforward: I think this is a super summary Sophie.You have the main points.Well done.
Maybe you could use some interesting language like gentleman than guy....or provide a link to a photo of Waste man-Leanne

Evaluation: I think I covered all the main points but I think I could make it a bit shorter.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Te Reo Portfolio Sample

Description: In Te Reo we have been learning Te Reo maori. We have learnt lunch box stacks and sentences. We  watched videos and got inspired and got to make our own. We have been learning about how to say.............
  • What do you like
  • What don't you like 
  • What I don't like
  • What I do like

Big Idea: We had to make a movie with a buddy asking them what food they like. We use the camera. I think we were successful because we used clear voices.

Feedback/Feedforward: WOW Sophie I think you did a good job on using clear voices. I think you could improve on your pronunciation - Zara

Evaluation: I think I did really well on using a clear voices and no back round noises but I think I could work on my pronunciation.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Writing Portfolio Sample

WALT: To select word carefully to impact our audience.

  • Have I used descriptive verb?
  • Have I used precise nouns?
  • Have I added adjectives to describe some nouns 
  • Have I used adverbs to tell the reader How? When? Where?

Big Idea:
Here is my story.

Ahhhhh!!!!!! I'm in the sky wait I'm not that high!!! They are all casing me.
 Ow that really hurt, why do they bounce me I'm not supposed to be bounce me. It feels like I'm dead because they chuck me all the time. They chuck me hand to hand and hand to a sweaty hand Yuck. Sometimes I glide. Maybe its not so bad being a netball after all.

Feedback/Feedforward: Wow Sophie I think you did really well but I think you could work on adding a bit more detail.

Evaluation: I think I could improve on adding a bit more detail to my story but other wise a think I did well.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Maths Portfolio Sample

Description: In maths we have been learning different strategies. One is equal additions, Equal additions means you plus the same amont ot both numbers. Another is place value, That means you plus littles bits of a number at a time. Another is reversibility, that means if plus something to one of the numbers you take away it from the other number. Last of all Rounding and compensating, That means you plus something to one number and then take away it. 

Feedback/Feedforward: Make sure the strategies you use is the one that your stage group uses-louis

Evaluation: I think I good at using lots of strategies but I think I could improve using place value.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Science Portfolio Sample

Description: In science we have been leaning about a web and this week we did a lunch box food web. We had to make a poster about our lunch box and we joined the things that made the food together.

Big Idea: We found out that not all the food comes from the supermarket and we rely on the sun.If you take a way the grass we would not have beef and if you would take a way the the sun we would die.

Feedback/Feedforward: Wow that is amazing next time you could add more colour so it pops for your viewers - Tabitha

Evaluation: I agree with Tabitha I need to add some more color.


Description: My goal for reading is comprehension and in comprehension we have been working on visualising the text and making text to text,text to world and text to self connections.If you were doing a text to text connection you would get a sentence from the book you are reading and connect it to some text you have read that is nearly the same from a different book.A text to world connection is almost the same but you are connecting text you have read to something happening somewhere in the world right now.Text to self is as well almost the same you read some text and you connect it to something you have done before or something you have seen someone else do.

Success criteria and evaluation:
Text to self:I think that I am good at text to self because to do text to self you really need to read through it and really understand what you are reading.

Test to world :I think that I am okay at that but I could get better by always thinking about it when I am reading a story or book.

Text to text:same as text to self I think that I really need to know what I read with every book I read so I think I am good at that.

Re-read:if I don't under stand what I read I don't just move on i stay on it to re read so I think that I am good at that.

Cause and effect:I think making predictions can really help me with this one and thinking.

Comparisons and contrast:thinking of other words that would fit into that sentence.

Here is the one tic tac toe I chose to do for this post.I shows how to make connections and what a connection. 

Feedback/Feedforward: Wow I think you did really good job but I think you could improve on adding a bit more detail but other wise its really good-Bella M

Tuesday, 26 May 2015


In Writing when have been learning about adjectives and we had to write a small story about a picture, here is the picture and my story.

In Cambodia there is ancient and abandoned place. Its an very old town and Scary. The place is really over grown. You will never won’t to go there because it is very spooky and stoney. I jump out of my plane and I go is that really my hotel. I walk inside and I think its bad idea ........ Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Just like Me

We had think of a book character that you can relate our self to and draw a picture of too. Mine is Fancy Nancy and I relate to her by wearing clothes that are rather fancy and I use big words like she dose, here is mine!

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Writing Task

We had to write a story about our holiday and then highlight the pierced noun, a pierced noun is a noun, but it is very detailed in only 1 or 2 words. Here is mine!!!

Catch Me If You Can - Defense

Every week we learn about skills and movement that will help us play sports. This term’s focus has been around defense. We made a video showing some of the goals we have been practicing. I have highlighted the thing I think I have done well YELLOW and one thing I would like to work on PINK.

WALT: Defensive skills and movements
Success Criteria:
Body Movement
  • Weight on balls of feet
  • Feet shoulder width apart
  • Knees flexed
  • Concentration and eyes on ball, head and eyes up
  • Push hard off outside foot and go forwards to attack pass
  • Quick small feet, stay on balls of feet
  • Arms within confines of body
  • Take feet to ball
  • Land with a SBP
  • Body angled to see player and ball
  • Anticipate pass and player movement
Restrictive Marking
  • Meet player as they start towards the ball/where they want to go
  • stay close to the attacking player
  • Head and eyes up, arms close to body to avoid obstruction/contact
  • Angle body so attacking player is ‘pushed’ away from where he/she wants to go
  • 0.9m from ball carriereria- Defense!

Evaluation: I think a could improve on going on the balls of my feet.

Feedback/Feedforward: Well Done S
ophie I think you did a good job on reflecting and I think you did a good job to on chosing what ones you need to work on. -Zara

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Discovery Time

Today at Discovery time we made a dress and the colors are green,white and blue. We do discovery time every friday. We showed creativity by using different colors.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015


Task: To create a online poster about verbs and adverbs.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Blockers And Drivers

Task: When had a whole group of photos and we had to sort them into blockers or drivers.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Word Weel

Task: Use different word to make more impact

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Bus Stop Writing

Purpose: Describe the characteristics of an object.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Two Stars And A Wish

This is our Two stars and a wish for this term.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Te Ahu a Turanga Noho Marae

In week 7, we had an overnight stay at the local Marae in Woodville.  We were immersed in Maori culture and participated in a range of activities.  We set two goals to focus on during our stay.


We had to make a book mark about the Marae and what we did.
I did mine about the Marae and the face of the Marae and the 
gorge walk the we went on. 

Big Idea:  
1.  Did you achieve your goals?  How do you know? I think I achieve my goal because made 2 new friends. 

2.  What are you most proud of from the marae stay and why? Achieving the stilts because I have never done them before. 

3.  What challenged you the most and why?

Sunday, 22 March 2015


We have been learning about transformation.  We have specifically learnt that...

  • translation is when an object slides in any direction;
  • rotation is when an object is turned around a central point;
  • reflection is when an object is flipped and has a line of symmetry.

Our challenge was to design a car badge that contained at least one of these aspects of transformation.   


Big Idea:

I like how you have made sure the owls are showing reflection but next time you should make the s's  show reflecton. but otherwise it's awesome - Aria

I think I could improve on adding more detail in my coloring. Next time I will add something like rotation-Aria

Monday, 9 March 2015

Story Telling

Purpose: create a story to share orally

Description: Oral storytelling is a Maori tradition. We have been planning our own story to tell on the Marae in Week 7.
Success Criteria: 

  • Between 1 and 2 minutes long
  • Using your voice to make sounds effects
  • Using your whole body to make actions
  • Use your face to tell a story through facial expression
  • Knowing the story, knowing the setting
  • Get the picture into your listener’s head
  • Stay in character - keep your composure.
  • Audience participation
  • Unique and original (Hook your audience)
  • The Big Idea: My story is about 2 girls and one girl brags all the time. Then they grow up the girl who brags lived by her self with her 2 cats. The other girl live with her 2 kids and husband.
    Here is my link to my video, hope you like it!!!

    Feedback/Feedfoward: You did really well next time you could work on specking a bit louder but other than that you did really well -Tabitha

    Evaluation: I think I could work on adding a bit more detail and more actions. I need to speak a bit louder.

    Monday, 2 March 2015

    Stuck Movie

    Description: We had to make a video showing someone not acting. I had to work with Sophie W Hanna K myself (Sophie B). We mad this from the normal video, stuck on an esculater.(If you want to see it its on poutama blog its very fun. Feedback and Feedforward: Wow Sophie I like your movie because you have time laps of you spinning round on the chair.  

    Criteria: (Content)
    1. Video - 30 seconds long, time is limited.
    2. Scenario - Show someone being stuck and not using the ability to act.
    3. Clear Message - Short sharp clip. Can the watcher get the point of your video?
    4. Unique - Coming up with something funny that gets a laugh from others.
    5. Time Passing - Do you need to show time passing in your clip to emphasise your message.

    Criteria: (Movie)

    1. Light - Make sure the sun isn’t creating a hard to see clip.
    2. Voice Volume - Needs to be louder than other background volume eg Noise, Kids.
    3. Frame - What’s in the frame to make your message obvious.
    4. Steady Hands - Make sure the camera is still.

    Feedback and Feedforward: Wow Sophie I like your movie because you have time laps of you spinning round on the chair. 

    My Reading Goal

    In class we did a star test. We used our results to form a reading goal.

    Big Idea: My goal for reading is Comprehension.
    This means to understand more of what I read.
    I need to make a picture or metal image

    Here is a photo of my star test.

    Thursday, 19 February 2015

    Swimming Smart Goals

    For the last few weeks we have been do swimming in our school pool. We have be working on freestyle and backstroke. Our swimming days are Wensday Thursday and Friday. I'm good at remembering my togs every day we go swimming.

    Here is my video!!!

    My goal in freestyle is to look down not up so then
    the water doesn't stop at my head. I will do this by wearing goggles so I can see.

    My goal in backstroke is to keep my tummy and
    hips up and out of the water. To get better at this I will push my tummy out of water.

    My goal for swimming sports goal is to at least swim in two heats. To get better at this I will put my hand up for the events and give it my all.

    Evaluation: I think I could work on not wiggle my bottom
    because thats what make me go wonky.

    Monday, 16 February 2015

    Math Goals

    Description: We have been doing some tests to find out what we need to get better at. These were knowledge tests-we need to know these things within 3 seconds.

    The pink highlighter is the thing that I need to work on (this only apply's for test 2) So I need to work on division and multiplication facts. I will do this by practicing 5 to 10 minute's every day and I know I have got better because I know them in 3 seconds.

    Here is the first test we did.

    This is my second test which I did get over 80% on so I didn't get up to stage 6. So I'm on stage 5.